The PageTurners

Wondering where to start?

Are you struggling to read books for pleasure and hating how that feels?

Does it seem like the constant use of the information and entertainment technologies that so many of us have come to rely upon the past 15-20 years has fragmented your attention to the point that focusing for long enough to read a book has become difficult- even if you were an avid reader in the past? 

Would you like to spend more time reading books and less time 

  • aimlessly scrolling social media?
  • binge-watching?
  • compulsively looking up information you don’t really need to know?
If so, I know where you’re coming from. 
I’m still in the process of breaking some bad technology habits myself, but in the meantime, I have found my way back to daily book-reading using the Tiny Habits method developed by BJ Fogg (PhD).
I created this website intending to make it a resource, as well as a source of motivation, for those of us who have, or want to, build or rebuild an important place for book-reading in our lives.
I hope you find information here that will help you turn the page – not only in your next favourite book – but also on the challenges you’ve had with making books a bigger part of your life. 
You can learn about me and how I rebuilt my book-reading habit here.

I also invite you to sign up for my PageTurners newsletter and to contact me if you’d like help with forming new book-reading (or other healthy) habits. I am a certified Tiny Habits coach.

Books are a uniquely portable magic
Stephen King
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft